It will be in vBulletin, message forum format
- First, issues, suggestions, and messages will be solicited from the community for 1-2 days, on a common forum (i.e. For all to see). This is 'post only' as we are only looking for issues and suggestions, not discussion.
- Out of these, the most common issue will be extracted, and given their own threads/sub-forum.
- PN Staff will be given the opportunity to address them (as many PN staff as want can address each issue) for 1-2 days.
- After which, the forums will be opened for general discussion and public feedback for another 2-3 days.
After all's said and done, we'll try to summarize and post a digest version for each issue, and if needed, figure out if any issues need to be revisited, and in what time frame.
We hope to be able to hold more and regular such Town Meetings in this format (if it proves successful) on a regular basis.
We were planning to be ready with all the resources this Wednesday (well, that's today), with announcement and requests for submissions starting this weekend (didn't want
to schedule it during O'Reilly).
Please check out the above format, and respond to this announcement with questions, comments or suggestions in the comments below.