If you are a gamer with a Postnuke site or your are module programmer looking for a new challenger, you should get in touch with Topiatic.
I always a very simple theme for the backend. I don't need any blocks there at all. And I don't even need a header or and other of this fancy corporate design stuff. I want space for my work. Thus the admin.htm is very short:
[code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="de" xml:lang="de"> <head> </head> <body> [ Home | Administration | Statistics ] </body> </html> [/code]
That's it.
Done - Your new lean backend layout will always appear when functions are called via admin.php (old-style) or with type=admin within the URL.
We will have a small problem with pagesetter. As it doesn't have a clearly defined backend there's no type=admin in the URL. I always use a small "Pagesetter fix" in my master.htm:
[code] <body > [ Frontpage | Administration |Statistics ] </body> normal body [/code]I hope this article helps you implement a better backend with much space.
"Element BB is a forum for postnuke heavily inspired by Vanilla forum.
The goals of this project was to create a very simple, very easy to use, easy to impliment, web standards compliant, accessible and usable forum. I felt that Vanilla meets and often exceeds these requirements which is why I chose it as the model to develop from. Please note: this application was built from scratch, it has no relation to Vanilla aside from its appearance and some of its available features." -- invalidresponse.com
ElementBB will be released under the GPL at version 1.0 has now been moved to the NOC. So download the module, test it, create translations and give feedback in the project trackers.
Already some months ago Mark West tested the Akismet spam protection suite. It was included into the CVS-version of EZComments and worked quite nicely. But the spam detector is a feature that many modules need. So it has now become a module of its own. It's not yet ready, but I hope it will be soon available for inclusion into guestbooks, comments, forums aso.
A module that Mark West released yesterday is "Bad Behaviour". "Bad Behavior is a PHP-based solution for blocking link spam and the robots which deliver it.
Bad Behavior complements other link spam solutions by acting as a gatekeeper, preventing spammers from ever delivering their junk, and in many cases, from ever reading your site in the first place. This keeps your site’s load down, makes your site logs cleaner, and can help prevent denial of service conditions caused by spammers." -- Bad Behaviour Homepage
As you include it into the pnAPI.php at earliest possible position, it stops Postnuke loading its higher functions when it detects a spam bot access. This means that all detected access cause only little traffic.
IMHO a combination of Akismet and Bad Behaviour will reduce the amout of spam on our sites without building barriers also for normal users. But we will have to live with spam, if we want to keep up our sites.
This schedule is subject to change and taken directly from Google. For the latest schedule please see Google SOC 2007 Wiki
The general goals of Google are recognized and extended with our own goals. In short, we want to improve the innovation within the project by offering students the opportunity to propose PostNuke related topics. We aim to offer students an inspiring environment to do research, access to field experts, the ability to create proof-of-concepts and the opportunity to create working functional tools that can be used with PostNuke.
There is a limited list of program goals defined below. Please keep in mind this is an initial list of subjects we would like to shoot for and the final projects are open for discussion. It's important to understand we need guidelines for project proposal evaluation otherwise we'll end up with all nice initiatives, but no choice between the individual project.
The following are a few examples of the types of projects we'd like to see during the SOC 2007. Here are a few suggested project examples:
There will be two program guides (admins) that will provide all mentors and students with help and guidance throughout the project. The structure will be flat so there won't be a lot of red tape in the process. The mentors are expected to work closely with each student to accomplish each project's goal and objectives.
For each accepted project into the SOC program there will at least one mentor and one student. Along with the one-to-one support the student will have access to the developers list so they have access to the entire team to bounce ideas off of in the process.
The general "criteria" for mentors are:
Note, before volunteering you should be aware there is a time commitment. We estimate it will take at the minimum 3 to 5 hours per week of your time over a 3 month period. Mentors should also expect to encounter cultural and time zone differences making this a challenging experience on many different levels especially since this will be a virtual mentor/student experience.
Commitment to the goals/objectives of your project, your time, mutual respect, and open communication.
Remember when you were a student -- you were there to learn. This is the same thing -- students are here to learn and may not be experienced in working on a team, and will less likely have experience working with someone virtually so as a mentor you're expected to introduce the student to the protocals of this environment.
Students, remember, no question is stupid, don't expect to know everything, and if in doubt ask! Communication is key in a virtual environment and never take anything for granted especially in text based communication since things can often be mis-read or interpreted.
If you are chosen a mentor then what do you get? You get to contribute to a great project, experience working on a virtual team with an international team of great/inspiring people.
This is most likely the most important part of the process -- communication is key especially in a virtual environment. And communicating/sharing will be important to the success of each project. So students are expected to put together a weekly report -- it doesn't have to be anything fancy -- just an email updating your mentor about your progress and any problems you working on or having. Mentors are expected to take the lead in solving any problems that might arise with timing, language or cultural barriers. Note, the default language for the program is English so all mentors and students are expected to be able to communicate clearly and effectively in English. When disagreements or conflicts arise within a project team members are encouraged to resolve disputes amongst themselves. If they can't resolve it between themselves then you can ask a program mgr to get involved to mediate the dispute.
You will have access to the following software tools:
Google provides some time to allow the student to familiarize themselves with the project and tasks. During this time the mentor can prepare the stucture and any documents that will help the student in the goals and objectives of the project.
Some examples include:
I needed a specific information from the pagesetter database, but I was not able to find an API function that would return that data. So I had to reactivate my PHP knowledge and write my own API function.
I thought it had to attach it to the pnuserapi.php to make it work. But is also possible to create a file with the name of the function in a folder with the name of the API. In this case it was pagesetter/pnuserapi/getListItemByID.php
Is this cool? I hope they find a place for such additions in the theme folder for .8, so that I do not have to store my customizations inside some module folder that will be deleted completely on every update.
Of course all former core content modules, now know as "Value_Addons", work with .8 and so do most older modules. But only few already use the new features like DBUtil or the categories manager. The Quotes module of the Value_Addons is an example for all major new techniques being used. Most of all the use of the categories can be studied there.
And there are also the first 3rd party developers who started to work with .8 code:
If you are also already programming for .8 I would love to read something about it in the comments here or in your own articles.
"Scribite!" is Latin and means "write!" - and this imperative is also the motto of the project. Sven Schomaker (hilope) was already working on an module that made the Xinha editor available for PostNuke modules.
"Scribite!" now includes Xinha and TinyMCE and can relatively easy be expanded with more Editors so you can test them all and choose the one that best fits your editors needs.
But can not only use the WYSIWYG-editor in most common modules there is also a nice administration that makes it easy to use all the available plugins, to change the editor's language and most of all choose between several functional layouts. Most editor donot need to be able to change the color or the font of their texts. In this case you can use the reduced feature layout and offer only the basic functions.
Sven Schomaker received the 500€ last year before Christmas right in time for the birth of his first child. And yet it still is one of the most active projects in the NOC.
The aim is to have 4 positions on top of a page where we can freely place selected articles. The rest of the page should be just a chronological list.
More cool stuff for Pagesetter can be found at pagesetter.net.